Australian Weather – El Niño Declared By BOM

Bushfire rages in Australia

Australian Weather – El Niño Declared By BOM

Has El Niño been declared in Australia?

Not only has the Bureau of Meteorology formally declared an El Niño event in the Pacific Ocean to Australia’s east, but also a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) to the west. El Niño typically delivers above-average heat and drier conditions, particularly in eastern Australia.

Why it’s important to prepare now for the Australian summer

El Niño will typically bring hotter, drier conditions to the Australian East Coast where temperature records are expected to tumble. These conditions will likely also create unstable weather patterns. Hot and dry conditions, combined with unstable weather patterns will play a major part in the likely event of power outages in Australia.

Does your business have a power plan?

Generator Hire Sales and Service has helped many businesses during power outages for almost 40 years. We have seen a marked increase of approximately 35% on the previous year where critical businesses are looking to hire diesel generators on standby during the peak storm seasons. The Summer of 2023/24 has been forecast for more unstable weather and no doubt this is a major factor in the increased interest in hiring standby diesel generators.

Generator Hire has a generator hire fleet in excess of 130 generators and within peak times our fleet can be depleted within the first 24-48 hours. This season, several customers have opted for securing a diesel generator on a standby arrangement, particularly during the period of November / December through the end of February.

Standby Diesel Generators are at a reduced rate to your normal run rate so the affordability is very attractive in comparison to what extended power outages may cost your business. Doing the math and power planning for your business is critical to ensure you are able to source the right equipment when you need it most.

Those who plan effectively stand a far greater chance of obtaining emergency power when they need it most.

We take you through all the pre-planning and ask the following questions:

  • Does your switchboard have facilities to safely connect an emergency generator?
  • Do you know where you will position the generator?
  • Do you know what mode of transport is required when delivering the generator?
  • Do you know what size generator you need?
  • Do you know what lengths of cables are required?
  • Do you have an account with a generator supplier?
  • Do you have someone who will connect the generator?
  • How much will it cost?

Looking to tick off all the questions above? Call 02 9604 7888 and ask for our Premium Power Consultant or email

Whilst planning cannot prepare for every situation, it can ensure that emergency personnel know what procedures to follow, what essential services require power, how much power, and who to source it from in order to secure its availability.

Pre-planning for emergency situations is a great cost-effective tool and we are here to help you with our Premium Power service.

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